1 Yung Shue Wan Public Pier
Pier Profile

Yung Shue Wan Public Pier is located on Lamma Island in the Islands District. Lamma Island is the fourth largest island in Hong Kong. The main access to Lamma Island is by water transport.

Yung Shue Wan Public Pier is used by public, and serve as the only passage between Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier and Yung Shue Wan. The pier has served the public for more than 50 years since its commencement of operation in the 1960s. The existing Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier was formed by the extension of Yung Shue Wan Public Pier in 1980s. Passengers of the ferries need to pass through Yung Shue Wan Public Pier before entering Yung Shue Wan.

At present, Yung Shue Wan Public Pier mainly used by Kaito and government vessels, while Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier mainly used by the two licensed ferry companies which provide ferry services between Yung Shue Wan and Central or Aberdeen.

Pier Improvement

Currently, the Government needs to conduct inspections and maintenance more frequently for the Yung Shue Wan Public Pier to cope with problems due to structural aging. The local residents have been requesting the Government to improve the Pier, and to provide additional cycle parking spaces near the pier in this project to meet the demand.

After carrying out the study, the Government agrees to the need to reconstruct the Pier and would provide the reconstructed pier with add-on facilities, including floating platform, gangway and roof cover, with a view to fostering easier and safer boarding and alighting at the pier. A new cycle parking area will also be provided on one side of the pier catwalk.

The construction contract commenced in December 2022. The contractor shall, in accordance with the contract requirement, implement environmental mitigation measures and conduct monitoring during construction to minimise the impacts on the environment.

Preliminary design of pier improvement
Works Progress
Other Piers