4 Ma Wan Chung Pier
Pier Profile

Ma Wan Chung Pier is located in Ma Wan Chung Village on Lantau Island in Islands District and west of Tung Chung. At present, the nearby villagers and fishermen mainly use the pier to load or upload their catch. They also moor their fishing boat alongside the pier.

Pier Improvement

The existing primitive Ma Wan Chung Pier has only one berthing space. The insufficient water depth of the berth also makes berthing difficult during low tide in particular, causing inconvenience to passengers when boarding and alighting. The local villagers and fishermen have been requesting the Government to improve the Pier.

After carrying out the study, the Government agrees to the need to reconstruct the Pier to improve the berthing situatio, and would provide the reconstructed pier with add-on facilities including floating platform cum access ramp and roof cover, with a view to fostering easier and safer boarding and alighting at the pier, thereby bringing convenience to the villagers and the fishermen accessing to/from Ma Wan Chung.

The construction contract commenced in August 2022. The contractor shall, in accordance with the contract requirement, implement environmental mitigation measures and conduct monitoring during construction to minimise the impacts on the environment.

Preliminary design of pier improvement
Works Progress
Other Piers