3 Yi O Pier
Pier Profile

Yi O Pier is located at Yi O on Lantau Island in Islands District and southwest of Tai O. There is no road carriageway to Yi O, but it is accessible by sea or foot through the Lantau Trail. At present, the villagers of Yi O, tourists and hikers travel between Tai O and Yi O by boat and access at Yi O Pier.

Pier Improvement

The existing small and primitive Yi O Pier has only one berthing space, and in poor condition due to the structural aging. The insufficient water depth at the berth also makes berthing difficult during low tide in particular, causing inconvenience to passengers when boarding and alighting. The local villagers have been requesting the Government to improve the Pier.

After carrying out the study, the Government agrees to the need to construct a new pier nearby to improve the berthing situatio, and would provide the new pier with add-on facilities including floating platform, gangway and roof cover, with a view to fostering easier and safer boarding and alighting at the pier, thereby bringing convenience to the public and visitors to/from Yi O and the attractions in the vicinity.  

The walking path leading to the existing Yi O pier and the proposed pier and hiking trails nearby are located on government sites and open to public. Public arriving Yi O by sea can access to places such as Fan Lau and Kau Ling Chung via the temporary route of Lantau Trail Section 7 to avoid the private lots near Yi O Tsuen.

The construction contract commenced in August 2022. The contractor shall, in accordance with the contract requirement, implement environmental mitigation measures and conduct monitoring during construction to minimise the impacts on the environment.

Preliminary design of pier improvement
Works Progress
Other Piers